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Answers to 12 Simple Questions We’re Suddenly Dying to Know

Curiosity is a motivator for human learning. Moreover, asking questions sparks creativity and innovation. For that reason, people should always be encouraged to ask questions about any possible subject. However, sometimes our burning questions are very hard to find answers to.
That is why here at Bright Side, we’ve found the answers to 12 of the most curious questions!

1. Who gets the middle seat armrests

There is no official rule on who the middle seat armrests belong to. However, many etiquette experts come to the same conclusion: that the person stuck in the middle deserves control over them, and here’s why.
The person sitting by the aisle has the possibility to stretch both legs while the person at the window has the benefit of leaning against it as they enjoy the view and control the light. But the person in the middle is not able to easily move or stretch, nor is there anywhere for them to lean.

2. Why plastic soda bottles have bumpy bottoms while water bottles don’t

The bumps are there to increase the strength of the bottle. This is necessary because the plastic bottle must be able to withstand the pressure of the gas in soda. Also, those drinks are usually served chilled, and when a liquid gets colder, its volume changes, and the bottle must not buckle because of it.
As an extra, the corner or tip of the bump can slightly expand and contract without breaking. This also takes care of the volume change.

3. Why flies can never find the open window

Flies have compound eyes that allow them to distinguish light and dark very accurately. When roaming around your room, the only thing they are looking for is a source of light. Even though an open window is a source of light, it also provides a flow of air from outside into the room. This wind creates an atmosphere that the insect is not very keen to fly in, which causes it to avoid your window and look for another source of light.

4. Why ice is slippery

Ice is only slippery when you walk on it and it’s close to a melting point. Slipping is caused by rolling over water molecules that can not attach to other water molecules at the surface. You can compare it to a dance floor that is covered with marbles or balls.

5. Why cats purr

Most people think cats purr out of pleasure since the sound always seems to occur in moments where your cat seems to enjoy being pet. It has, however, been found that purring has communication and healing properties. Researchers also discovered that cats’ purring produces frequencies used to heal pain, edema, wounds, and dyspnea. This might also explain why many cat owners find cuddling with their fluffy friends relaxing.

6. The real color of mirrors

A perfect mirror reflects back all existing colors. The scientific definition of white light consists of a mix of all existing colors. For that reason, a mirror is also said to be white.

7. Why sloths are so slow

A sloth’s diet is almost entirely based on leaves which are very poor in nutrients, meaning that the animal has a low-calorie intake. Because they live in trees, climbing is an everyday activity which can be very demanding. In order to have a very slow metabolic rate to cope with the low-calorie intake, they move extremely slow.

8. Why glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the bottle

Most glue has water as a solvent which keeps it in a thick, liquid form inside the bottle. It will only become sticky when you squeeze it out of the tube and apply it to a surface. When in contact with the surrounding air, the water present in the glue evaporates, making the glue harden. The only things left are sticky molecules that hold objects together.

9. Why wedding dresses are white

In the 19th century, most women got married in a dress they could re-use for other occasions. Fantasies of white weddings were later fueled by happily-ever-after Hollywood movies, but traditionally, only wealthy families could afford to buy a white dress. Only in the 1950s did middle-class people begin copying the look thanks to the development of cheaper materials during the boom in prosperity after the war.
However, even today, not all cultures wear white wedding dresses. For example, in China and India, brides wear red dresses as a symbol of good luck and success.

10. Zebra’s stripes

There has long been a popular belief that zebras were white animals with black stripes. However, it turns out to be the opposite. The original color of zebras is black. The white stripes emerge only later as a zebra embryo develops in the mother’s belly, which can clearly be spotted in the picture above where the white stripes of one zebra didn’t develop well.

11. Why orange juice tastes horrible after brushing your teeth

Toothpaste messes with your taste buds a bit. It suppresses the ability to taste sweetness, which means that other tastes, like orange juice, become more pronounced. As a result, its sweetness is repressed while its bitterness is enhanced and your tasty beverage suddenly becomes undrinkable.

12. Why your palms sweat when you’re nervous

Stress sweat comes from nervous excitement. Your body releases adrenaline that sets your heart to pound in order to be ready for whatever comes next. The main function of sweating is to control body temperature for when your body goes to work. Areas of the body that have the highest concentration of sweat glands are the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.
Did some of these answers surprise you? Do you have any questions that you’d finally like answers to?

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