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Judy Haim, Corey Haim’s Mother, Complained That In 2011, Corey Feldman Asked Her Every Day To Help Him Fight Pedophiles — Watch Video


In a newly surfaced interview between Judy Haim, and Wolfpack leaders Bobby Wolfe and Kim Sterne, the mother of Corey Haim complained that back in 2011, Corey Feldman asked her every day to help him fight pedophiles. The video comes as the actor and child rights activist prepares to re-release his documentary (My) Truth: The Rape Of 2 Coreys, where he alleges that the actor Charlie Sheen raped Corey Haim on the set of the 1986 movie Lucas. Charlie Sheen denied the allegations and it certainly wasn’t the first time that Corey Feldman has made them. It was the first time he did so publicly. However; in the interview below, Judy Haim read emails from 2011, where she openly discussed with Corey Feldman the allegations. At one point in the interview, she even says that Corey Feldman sent her an email detailing the story he and others were told. She stated the same scenario that Corey Feldman presented in his documentary — including the disturbing details that Charlie Sheen used Crisco oil as a lubricant for the sexual assault. 

Charlie Sheen denied these allegations through a statement made on his behalf by his publicist.
At the 8:57 mark of a two-part interview, Judy Haim states the following.
“It was barely about a year and a half, not even since my son passed because this email that I sent to him was on Dec. 2, 2011, and I’m just saying it right from the start. I could care less if anyone believes me or not, thinks that I’m making this up or not, or making any excuses. I don’t care. I don’t have to explain anything to anyone but I was kind of mortified about this particular email that I sent him. I do remember, Corey Feldman calling me every single day and asking me to help him get pedophiles — and you know — every single day— relentless.”
Judy Haim then went on to read an email that she sent to Corey Feldman where she said that convicted pedophile and former Talent manager Marty Weiss had abused Corey Haim, but here’s the catch.
Judy Haim said that Corey Feldman dictated her to make the statements and though she gave him permission to talk publicly about Marty Weiss’ alleged sexual abuse of Corey Haim to the press and police, she only did it so he would stop pestering her about taking down pedophiles.
You may see the full interview with Judy Haim and Wolfpack members Bobby Wolfe and Kim Sterne in the video player below.

In the movie, Corey Feldman named Marty Weiss as being one of the pedophiles who molested him and Corey Haim. He also stated that he was in a room and saw Marty Weiss lead an underage Corey Haim by the hand before he allegedly sexually assaulted him.
Marty Weiss was convicted for the sexual abuse of child star Evan Henzi. Evan Henzi has been outspoken about how painful it has been to see Marty Weiss on Twitter saying that he has apologized for the sexual abuse when Evan says that is not the case.
Marty Weiss is one of the Wolfpack members who frequently targets those who support Corey Feldman.
Disclosure: Charisse Van Horn has had personal communication and interaction with Corey Feldman, members of the Wolfpack, and Feldfam. She has never had personal, private communication and interaction with Judy Haim. She supports Corey Feldman’s truth campaign and makes her personal opinions and experiences known on her social media pages and personal websites and blogs. She has followed this case since 2017.

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